PATH (Scotland)
Positive Moves in the Workplace – leadership coaching programme. This programme supported Black and Minority Ethnic individuals working in housing or related sectors to make the transition to more senior, supervisory or management roles. Participants on this programme received coaching support to improve their leadership knowledge, skills and increase confidence in the workplace.
NHS Lothian
Commissioned by NHS Boards introducing routine enquiry of domestic abuse within health settings e.g. Forth Valley, Highland and Lothian NHS Boards
Scottish Women’s Aid
Working with the Scottish Women’s Aid on a programme of training which helps build professional inter-personal skills and job-related knowledge such as managing endings in helping relationships, core values for Women’s Aid workers, introduction to support work skills, understanding and managing professional boundaries in helping relationships.
Women's Aid and Rape Crisis Services
Monthly external supervision to frontline workers in Advocacy, Women’s Support or children and young peoples services.
Coaching and supervision to newly appointed team leaders